
Research Associates, Post-Docs, Grad Students, Research Assistants and Undergrad Students working under my tutelage are underscored

Peer-reviewed contributions:

  1. Ceballos V, Taggart C, Johnson H (2022). Comparison of visual and acoustic surveys for the detection and dynamic management of North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) in Canada. Conservation Science and Practice, e12866.
  2. Franklin, KJ., Cole, TV, Cholewiak, DM, Duley, PA, Crowe, LM, Hamilton, PK, Knowlton, AR, Taggart, CT and Johnson, HD (2022). Using sonobuoys and visual surveys to characterize North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) calling behavior in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Endangered Species Research, 49, pp.159-174.
  3. Johnson H, Taggart CT, Newhall AE, Ying-Tsong L, Baumgartner MF (2022). Acoustic detection range of right whale upcalls identified in near-real time from a moored buoy and a Slocum glider. Journal of the Acoustic Society of America. 151(4) 2558-2575.
  4. Johnson H, Morrison D, Taggart C (2021). WhaleMap: a tool to collate and display whale survey results in near real-time. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(62), 3094.
  5. Johnson, H, Baumgartner, MF, Taggart, CT. 2020. Estimating North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) location uncertainty following visual or acoustic detection to inform dynamic management. Conservation Science and Practice. 2020;2:e267:1-10.
  6. Durette-Morin, D, Davies, KTA, Johnson, HD, Brown, MW, Moors-Murphy, H, Martin, B, Taggart, CT. 2019. Passive acoustic monitoring predicts daily variation in North Atlantic right whale presence and relative abundance in Roseway Basin, Canada. Marine Mammal Science. 35(4): 1280–1303.
  7. Davies, KTA, Brown, MW, Hamilton, PK, Knowlton, AE, Taggart, CT, Vanderlaan, ASM. 2019. Variation in North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) occurrence in the Bay of Fundy, Canada, over three decades. Endangered Species Research. 39: 159–171.
  8. Óskarsson, GJ, Taggart, CT, Stephenson, RL. 2019. Variation in egg weight within two Atlantic herring stocks (Clupea harengus L.). Journal of Fish Biology. 95:367–378.
  9. Broell, F, McCain, JSP, Taggart, CT. 2017. Thermal time explains size-at-age variation in molluscs. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 573: 157–165.
  10. Brillant, SW, Wimmer, T, Rangeley, RW, Taggart, CT. 2017. A timely opportunity to protect North Atlantic right whales in Canada. Marine Policy. 81:160-166
  11. Óskarsson, GJ, Taggart, CT, Stephenson, RL. 2016. Fecundity and reproductive potential of Scotia-Fundy summer- and autumn-spawning herring (Clupea harengus L). Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3182: 7 + 27 p.
  12. DeVanna Fussell, KM, Smith, REH, Fraker, ME, Boegman L, Frank, KT, Miller, TJ, Tyson, JT, Arend, KK, Boisclair, D, Guildford, SJ, Hecky, RE, Höök, TO, Jensen, OP, Llopiz, JK, May, CJ, Najjar, RG, Rudstamn, LG, Taggart, CT, Rao, YR, Ludsin, SA. 2016. A perspective on needed research, modeling, and management approaches that can enhance Great Lakes fisheries management under changing ecosystem conditions. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 2016.
  13. Broell, F, Taylor, AD, Litvak, MK, Bezanson, A, Taggart, CT. 2016. Post-tagging behaviour and habitat use in shortnose sturgeon measured with high frequency accelerometer and PSATs. Animal Biotelemetry. 4:11. doi:10.1186/s40317-016-0103-x.
  14. Reimer, J, Gravel, C, Brown, MW, Taggart, CT. 2016. Mitigating vessel strikes:The problem of the peripatetic whales and the peripatetic fleet. Marine Policy. 68:91-99. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2016.02.017.
  15. Broell, F, Burnell, C, Taggart, CT. 2016. Measuring abnormal movements in free-swimming fish with accelerometers: implications for quantifying tag and parasite load. Journal of Experimental Biology. 219:695-705. doi: 10.1242/jeb.133033.
  16. Broell, F, Taggart, CT. 2015. Scaling in free-swimming fish and implications for measuring size-at-time in the wild. PLoSONE 10(12): e0144875.
  17. Davies, KTA, Taggart, CT, Smedbol RK. 2015. Interannual variation in diapausing copepods and associated water masses in a continental shelf basin, and implications for copepod buoyancy. Journal of Marine Systems, 151 (2015):35-46.
  18. Davies, KTA, Vanderlaan, ASM, Smedbol, RK, Taggart, CT. 2015. Oceanographic connectivity between right whale critical habitats in Canada and its influence on whale abundance indices during 1987–2009. Journal of Marine Systems, 150 (2015):80-90.
  19. Kenchington, EL, Nakashima, BS, Taggart, CT, Hamilton, LC. 2015. Genetic structure of capelin (Mallotus villosus) in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. PLoS ONE. 10(3):e0122315.
  20. Brillant, SW, Vanderlaan, ASM, Rangeley, RW, Taggart, CT. 2015. Quantitative estimates of the movement and distribution of North Atlantic right whales along the northeast coast of North America. Endangered Species Research. 27:141-154.
  21. Réseau d’observation de mammifères marins (ROMM). 2014. A Mariner’s Guide to Whales in the Northwest Atlantic. Rivière-du-Loup, Quebec. Shipping Federation of Canada and Dalhousie University. 74 p.
  22. Hamelin, KM, Kelley, DE, Taggart, CT, James, MC. 2014. Water mass characteristics and solar illumination influence leatherback turtle dive patterns at high latitudes. Ecosphere. 5(2) 19:1-20.
  23. Davies, KTA, Taggart, CT, Smedbol RK. 2014. Water mass structure defines the diapausing copepod distribution in a right whale habitat on the Scotian Shelf. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 497:69-85.
  24. Duff, J, Dean, H, Gazit, T, Taggart, C.T, Cavanagh, JH. 2013. On the right way to right whale protections in the Gulf of Maine – Case study. Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy. 16:229-265.
  25. Frank, KT, Leggett, WC, Petrie, B, Fisher, J, Shackell, NL, Taggart, CT. 2013. Irruptive prey dynamics following the groundfish collapse in the Northwest Atlantic: an illusion? ICES Journal of Marine Science. 70:1299-1307.
  26. Hrycik, J.M., Chasse, J., Ruddick, B.R., and C.T. Taggart. 2013. Dispersal kernel estimation: A comparison of empirical and modelled particle dispersion in a coastal marine system. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 133:11-22. – with supplementary material
  27. Davies, K.T.A., Ross, T., and C.T. Taggart. 2013. Tidal and sub-tidal current influence on deep copepod aggregations along a shelf-basin margin. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 479: 263-282. – with supplementary material
  28. Bradbury, I.R., Hubert, S., Higgins, B., Bowman, S., Paterson, I.G., Snelgrove, P., Morris, C., Gregory, R., Hardie, D., Hutchings, J.A., Borza, T., Ruzzante, D., Taggart, C.T., and P. Bentzen. 2013. Genomic islands of divergence and their consequences for the resolution of spatial structure in an exploited marine fish. Evolutionary Applications. 6(3):450-461.
  29. Broell, F., Noda, T., Wright, S., Domenici, P., Steffensen, J.F., Auclair, J-P., and C.T.Taggart. 2013. Accelerometer tags: detecting and identifying activities in fish and the effect of sampling frequency. Journal of Experimental Biology. 216(7):1255-1264.
  30. Silber, G.K., Vanderlaan, A.S.M., Tejedor Arceredillo, A., Johnson, L., Taggart, C.T., Brown, M.W., Bettridge, S. and R. Sagarminaga. 2012. The role of the International Maritime Organization in reducing vessel threat to whales: Process, options, action and effectiveness. Marine Policy. 36(6):1221-1233.
  31. van der Hoop, J.M, Vanderlaan, A.S.M, and C.T. Taggart. 2012. Absolute probability estimates of lethal vessel-strikes to North Atlantic right whales in Roseway Basin, Scotian Shelf. Ecological Applications. 22(7):2021-2033.
  32. Davies, K.T.A., Ryan, A. and C.T. Taggart. 2012. Measured and inferred gross energy content in of diapausing Calanus spp. in a Scotian Shelf basin. Journal of Plankton Research. 34(7):614-625.
  33. Vanderlaan, A.S.M., R.K. Smedbol and C.T. Taggart. 2011. Fishing-gear threat to right whales in Canadian waters and the risk of lethal entanglement. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 68: 2174-2193. – with supplementary material (large)
  34. Michaud, J. and C.T. Taggart. 2011. Spatial variation in right whale food, Calanus finmarchicus, in the Bay of Fundy. Endangered Species Research. 15:179-194.
  35. Ruddick, B.R. and C.T. Taggart. 2011. A new approach to tracing particulates from produced water. p. 249-206 In: K. Lee and J. Neff (Eds.), Produced water: environmental risks and advances in mitigation technologies. 608p. Springer.
  36. Bradbury IR, Hubert S, Higgins B, Borza T, Bowman S, Paterson IG, Snelgrove PV, Morris CJ, Gregory RS, Hardie DC, Hutchings JA, Ruzzante DE, Taggart CT, Bentzen P 2010. Parallel adaptive evolution of Atlantic cod on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean in response to temperature. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B.
  37. Neuheimer, A.B., and C.T. Taggart. 2010. Can changes in length-at-age and maturation timing in Scotian Shelf haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) be explained by fishing? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 67(5): 854-865.
  38. Landry, M.S. and C.T. Taggart. 2010. “Turtle watching” conservation guidelines: green turtle (Chelonia mydas) tourism in nearshore coastal environments. Biodiversity and Conservation. 91: 305-312.
  39. Oskarsson, G.J. and C.T. Taggart. 2010. Variation in reproductive potential and influence on Icelandic herring recruitment. Fisheries Oceanography. 9:412-426.
  40. Vanderlaan, A.S.M. and C.T. Taggart. 2009. Efficacy of a voluntary area to be avoided to reduce risk of lethal vessel strikes to endangered whales. Conservation Biology. 23(6): 1467-1474.
  41. Oskarsson, G.J. and C.T. Taggart. 2009. Spawning time variation in Icelandic summer-spawning herring (Clupea harengus L.). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 66: 1666-1681
  42. Vanderlaan A.S.M., J.J. Corbett, S.L. Green, J.A. Callahan, C. Wang, R.D. Kenney, C.T. Taggart, and J. Firestone 2009. Probability and mitigation of vessel encounters with North Atlantic right whales. Endangered Species Research. 6: 273-285.
  43. Neuheimer, A.B., C.T. Taggart and K.T. Frank. 2008. Size-at-age in haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus): Application of the growing degree-day (GDD) metric. p. 111-124, IN: G.H. Kruse, K. Drinkwater, J.N. Ianelli, J.S. Link, D.L. Stram, V. Wespestad, and D. Woodby (eds.); Resiliency of gadid stocks to fishing and climate change. Alaska Sea Grant College Program, AK-SG-08-01, 2008.
  44. Vanderlaan, A.S.M., C.T. Taggart, A.R. Serdynska, R.D. Kenney and M.W. Brown. 2008. Reducing the risk of lethal encounters: vessels and right whales in the Bay of Fundy and on the Scotian Shelf. Endangered Species Research. 4: 283-297.
  45. Elvin, S. and C.T. Taggart. 2008. Right whales and vessels in Canadian waters. 2008. Marine Policy. 32: 379-386.
  46. Bard, S.M, B.R. Ruddick and C.T. Taggart. 2007. The flux of stuff: Developing an inexpensive and accurate method to track dispersion of environmental contaminants in aquatic ecosystems. Marine Environmental Research. 66: 187-189 (published abstract).
  47. Johnston, T.L., R.K. Smedbol, A. Serdynska, A. Vanderlaan, N. Helcl, L. Harris and C.T. Taggart. 2007. Patterns of fishing gear in areas of the Bay of Fundy and southwest Scotian Shelf frequented by North Atlantic right whales. Canadian Technical Report Fisheries Aquatic Sciences 2745: v + 52 p.
  48. Michaud, J. and C.T. Taggart. 2007. Lipid and gross energy-content of North Atlantic right whale food (Calanus finmarchicus) in the Bay of Fundy. Endangered Species Research. 3: 77-94
  49. Neuheimer, A.B. and C.T. Taggart. 2007. Growing degree-day and fish size-at-age: the overlooked metric. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 64: 375-385.-with supplementary material (large)
  50. Vanderlaan, A.S.M. and C.T. Taggart. 2007. Vessel collisions with whales: the probability of lethal injury based on vessel speed. Marine Mammal Science. 23: 144-156. -with supplementary material
  51. MacDougall, L. A., R. McCall, K. A. Douglas, T. A. Cheney, M. Oetelaar, K. Squires, C. V. Alvarez Saules, H. Alidina, E. Nagtegaal-Cunningham, S. C. Weseloh McKeane, J. J. Y. Araula, N. Md. Humayun, S. Lawson, N. C. Chiasson, G. C. Diaz, T. A. Choy, K. E. Ankamah, B. O. Ohowa, A. T. Toribio, J. J. del Toro, R. O. Fournier, and C. T. Taggart. 2006. Marine Invasive Species in North America: Impacts, Pathways and Management. Ocean Yearbook. 20: 435-470.
  52. Oskarsson, G.J. and C.T. Taggart. 2006. Fecundity variation in Icelandic summer-spawning herring and implications for reproductive potential. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 63: 493-503.
  53. Suthers, Iain M., C. T. Taggart, D. Rissik, M. E. Baird. 2006. Day and night ichthyoplankton assemblages and zooplankton biomass size spectrum in a deep ocean island wake. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 322: 225-238.
  54. Uehara, S., C.T. Taggart, T. Mitani and I. Suthers. 2006. The abundance of juvenile yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata) near the Kuroshio Current: the roles of drifting seaweed and regional hydrography. Fisheries Oceanography. 15: 351-362.
  55. Gordos, K., E. Kenchington, L. C. Hamilton, B. S. Nakashima, and C. T. Taggart. 2005. Atlantic capelin (Mallotus villosus) tetranucleotide microsatellites. Molecular Ecology Notes. 5(2): 220-222.
  56. Querbach, K, Maillet, G, Cranford, PJ, Taggart, C, Lee, K, Grant, J. 2005. Potential effects of produced water discharges on the early life stages of three resource species. In: Armsworthy, SL, Cranford, PJ, Lee, K (Eds.). Offshore oil and gas environmental effects monitoring: approaches and technologies. p 343-371.
  57. Reiss, C. S., I. A. McLaren, P. Avendano, and C. T. Taggart. 2005. Feeding ecology of silver hake larvae on Western Bank, Scotian Shelf, and comparison with Atlantic cod. Journal of Fish Biology. 66(3): 703-720.
  58. McPherson, A. A., P. T. O’Reilly, and C. T. Taggart. 2004. Genetic differentiation, temporal stability, and the absence of isolation by distance among Atlantic herring populations. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 133: 434-446.
  59. Panteleev, G. G., B. deYoung, C. S. Reiss, and C. T. Taggart. 2004. Passive tracer reconstruction as a least squares problem with a semi-lagrangian constraint: an application to fish eggs and larvae. Journal of Marine Research. 62: 787-814.
  60. Suthers, I. M., C. T. Taggart, D. Kelley, D. Rissik, and J. H. Middleton. 2004. Entrainment and advection in an island’s tidal wake, as revealed by light attenuance, zooplankton, and ichthyoplankton. Limnology and Oceanography. 49(1): 283-296.
  61. Jones, M. W., P. T. O’Reilly, A. A. McPherson, T. L. McParland, D. E. Armstrong, K. Spence, A. Cox, E. L. Kenchington, C. T. Taggart, and P. Bentzen. 2003. Development, characterisation, inheritance and cross-species utility of American lobster (Homarus americanus) microsatellite and mtDNA PCR-RFLP markers. Genome. 46: 59-69.
  62. McPherson, A. A., R. L. Stephenson, and C. T. Taggart. 2003. Genetically different Atlantic herring Clupea harengus spawning waves. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 247: 303-309.
  63. Laurinolli, M.H, A.E. Hay, F. Desharnais and C.T. Taggart. 2003. Localization of North Atlantic right whale sounds in the Bay of Fundy using a sonobuoy array. Marine Mammal Science. 19 (4): 708-723.
  64. Vanderlaan, A. S. M., A. E. Hay, and C.T. Taggart. 2003. Characterisation of North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) sounds in the Bay of Fundy. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering. 28: 164-173.
  65. Nakashima, B., and C. T. Taggart. 2002. Is beach spawning success for capelin (Mallotus villosus Muller) a function of the beach? ICES Journal of Marine Sciences. 59: 897-908.
  66. O’Reilly, P., A. McPherson, E. Kenchington, C. Taggart, M. Jones, and P. Bentzen. 2002. Isolation and characterization of tetranucleotide microsatellites from Atlantic haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus). Molecular Biotechnology. 4: 418-422.
  67. Reiss, C. S., A. Anis, J. F. Dower, C. T. Taggart, and B. Ruddick. 2002. Relationships among vertically structured in situ measures of turbulence, larval fish abundance and feeding success and copepods on Western Bank, Scotian Shelf. Fisheries Oceanography. 11: 156-174.
  68. McPherson, A., R. Stephenson, P. O’Reilly, M. Jones, and C. Taggart. 2001. Genetic diversity of coastal Northwest Atlantic herring populations: implications for management. Journal of Fish Biology. 59(Suppl.A): 356-370.
  69. McPherson, A., C. T. Taggart, P. Shaw, P. O’Reilly, and D. Cook. 2001. Microsatellite population structure in herring at three spatial scales. Herring 2000: Expectations for a new millennium. International Symposium Proceedings (pp 615-628). Anchorage, AK: Alaska Sea Grant College Program. AK-SG-01-0.
  70. Pogson, G. H., C. T. Taggart, K. A. Mesa, and R. G. Boutilier. 2001. Isolation by distance in the Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, at large and small geographic scales. Evolution. 55: 131-146.
  71. Ruzzante, D. E., C. T. Taggart, R. W. Doyle, and D. Cook. 2001. Stability in the historical pattern of genetic structure of Newfoundland cod (Gadus morhua) despite the catastrophic decline in population size from 1964 to 1994. Conservation Genetics. 2: 257-269.
  72. Drinkwater, K., S. Lochmann, C. T. Taggart, K. Thompson, and K. Frank. 2000. Entrainment of redfish (Sebastes sp.) larvae off the Scotian Shelf. ICES Journal of Marine Sciences. 57: 372-382.
  73. Jeffrey, J. A., and C. T. Taggart. 2000. Growth variation and water mass associations of larval silver hake (Merluccius bilinearis) on the Scotian Shelf. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 57: 1728-1738.
  74. McPherson, AA, Taggart, CT, Shaw, PW, O’Reilly, PT, Cook, D, 2000. Microsatellite population structure in herring at three spatial scales. In: Funk, F, Blackburn, J, Hay, D, Paul, AJ, Stephenson, R, Toresen, R, Witherell, D. (Eds). Herring: expectations for a new millennium. Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposia Series. 18: 615-628.
  75. Querbach, K. Maillet, G. Cranford, P. Grant, J. Taggart, C. Lee, K. 2000. Toxicity of produced water to early life stages of haddock, American lobster, and sea scallop. Canadian Technical Report Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. No. 2311. p.33.
  76. Reiss, C. S., G. Panteleev, C. T. Taggart, J. Sheng, B. de Young, and M. Power. 2000. Observations on larval fish transport and retention on the Scotian Shelf in relation to geostrophic circulation. Fisheries Oceanography. 9: 195-213.
  77. Ruzzante, D. E., C. T. Taggart, S. Lang, and D. Cook. 2000. Mixed-stock analysis of Atlantic cod near the Gulf of St. Lawrence based on microsatellite DNA. Ecology Applications. 10: 1090-1109.
  78. Ruzzante, D. E., J. S. Wroblewski, C. T. Taggart, R. K. Smedbol, D. Cook, and S. V. Goddard. 2000. Bay-scale population structure in coastal Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in Labrador and Newfoundland, Canada. Journal of Fish Biology. 56: 431-447.
  79. de Young, B., R. M. Peterman, A. R. Dobell, E. Pinkerton, Y. Breton, A. T. Charles, M. J. Fogarty, G. R. Munro, and C. T. Taggart. 1999. Canadian marine fisheries in a changing and uncertain world. Canadian Special Publications in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. No.129. 199p.
  80. Peterman, RM, deYoung, B, Dobell, AR, Pinkerton, E, Breton, Y, Charles, AT, Fogarty, MJ, Munro, GR, Taggart, C. 1999. Canadian marine fisheries in a changing and uncertain world. In: Ecosystem approaches for fisheries management. Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposia Series.16: 387-389.
  81. Desharnais, F., A. Vanderlaan, C. Taggart, M. Hazen and A. Hay. 1999. Preliminary results on the acoustic characterization of the Northern right whale. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 106: 2163.
  82. Ruzzante, D. E., C. T. Taggart, and D. Cook. 1999. A review of the evidence for genetic structure of cod (Gadus morhua) populations in the Northwest Atlantic and population affinities of larval cod off Newfoundland and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Fisheries Research. 43: 79-97.
  83. Ruzzante, D. E., C. T. Taggart, and D. Cook. 1998. A nuclear DNA basis for shelf- and bank-scale population structure in northwest Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua): Labrador to Georges Bank. Molecular Ecology. 7: 1663-1680.
  84. Jones, M. and C. T. Taggart. 1998. Distribution of gill parasite (Lernaeocera branchialis) infection in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and parasite-induced host mortality: inferences from tagging data. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 55: 364-375.
  85. Taggart, C. T., D. E. Ruzzante, and D. Cook. 1998. Localised stocks of cod (Gadus morhua L.) in the northwest Atlantic: the genetic evidence and otherwise. In: I. Hunt von Herbing, I. Kornfield, M. Tupper, and J. Wilson (eds.), The implications of localized fishery stocks (pp. 56-90). Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service, New York.
  86. Herbinger, C. M., R. W. Doyle, C. T. Taggart, S. Lochmann, A. L. Brooker, J. M. Wright, and D. Cook. 1997. Family relationships and effective population size in a natural cohort of cod larvae. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 54 (Suppl.1): 11-18.
  87. Lochmann, S. E., C. T. Taggart, D. A. Griffin, K. R. Thompson, G. A. Maillet. 1997. Abundance and condition of larval cod (Gadus morhua) at a convergent front on Western Bank, Scotian Shelf. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 54: 1461-1479.
  88. McLaren, I. A., P. Avendano, C. T. Taggart, and S. E. Lochmann. 1997. Feeding by larval cod in different water-masses on Western Bank, Scotian Shelf. Fisheries Oceanography. 6(4): 250-265.
  89. Rissik, D., I. M. Suthers, and C. T. Taggart. 1997. Enhanced zooplankton abundance in the lee of an isolated reef in the south Coral Sea: the role of flow disturbance. Journal of Plankton Research. 19: 1347-1368.
  90. Ruzzante, D. E., C. T. Taggart, D. Cook, and S. V. Goddard. 1997. Genetic differentiation between inshore and offshore Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) off Newfoundland: a test, and evidence of temporal stability. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 54: 2700-2708.
  91. Taggart, C. T. 1997. Bank-scale migration patterns in northern cod. NAFO Scientific Council Studies. 29: 51-60.
  92. Bentzen, P., C. T. Taggart, D. Ruzzante, and D. Cook. 1996. Microsatellite polymorphism and the population structure of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the northwest Atlantic. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 53: 2706-2721.
  93. Bentzen, P. and C. T. Taggart. 1996. Microsatellite polymorphism and the population structure of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the northwest Atlantic. NAFO SCR DOC. 96/21: 1-20.
  94. Lochmann, S. E., G. L. Maillet, C. T. Taggart, and K. T. Frank. 1996. Effect of gut contents and lipid degradation on condition measures in larval fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 134: 27-35.
  95. Ruzzante, D. E, C. T. Taggart, and D. Cook. 1996. Spatial and temporal variation in the genetic composition of an aggregation of larval cod (Gadus morhua) on the Scotian Shelf: cohort contribution and genetic stability. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 53: 2695-2705.
  96. Ruzzante, D. E., C. T. Taggart, D. Cook, and S. Goddard. 1996. Genetic differentiation between inshore and offshore Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) off Newfoundland: microsatellite DNA variation and antifreeze level. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 53: 634-645.
  97. Taggart, C. T., S. E. Lochmann, D. A. Griffin, K. R. Thompson, and G. L. Maillet. 1996. Abundance distribution of larval cod (Gadus morhua) and zooplankton in a gyre-like water mass on the Scotian Shelf. In: Y. Watanabe, Y. Yamashita and Y. Oozeki (Eds.), Survival strategies in early life stages of marine resources (pp 155-173). Proceedings of the International Workshop, Yokohama. Balkema Press, Rotterdam.
  98. Wroblewski, J. S., R. K. Smedbol, C. T. Taggart, and S. V. Goddard. 1996. Movements of farmed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) released in Trinity Bay, Newfoundland. Marine Biology, 124: 619-627.
  99. Doyle, R. W., C. Herbinger, C. Taggart, and S. Lochmann. 1995. Use of DNA microsatellite polymorphism to analyze genetic correlations between hatchery and natural fitness. American Fisheries Society Symposium, 15: 205-211.
  100. Lochmann, S. E., G. L. Maillet, K. T. Frank, C. T. Taggart. 1995. Lipid class composition as a measure of nutritional condition in individual Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 52: 1294-1306.
  101. Ouellet, P., C. T. Taggart, and K. T. Frank. 1995. Early growth, lipid composition, and survival expectations of shrimp Pandalus borealis larvae in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 126: 163-175.
  102. Taggart, C. T., P. Penney, N. Barrowman, and C. George. 1995. The 1954-1993 Newfoundland cod-tagging database: statistical summaries and spatial-temporal distributions. Canadian Technical Report Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. No. 2042. [BIG]
  103. Goddard, S. V., J. S. Wroblewski, C. T. Taggart, K. A. Howse, W. L. Bailey, M. H. Kao, and G. L. Fletcher. 1994. Overwintering of adult Northern Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in cold inshore waters as evidenced by plasma antifreeze glycoprotein levels. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 51: 2834-2842.
  104. Taggart, C. T., J. Anderson, C. Bishop, E. Colbourne, J. Hutchings, G. Lilly, J. Morgan, E. Murphy, R. Myers, G. Rose, and P. Shelton. 1994. Overview of cod stocks, biology, and environment in the Northwest Atlantic region of Newfoundland, with emphasis on northern cod. Cod and Climate Changes. ICES Marine Sciences Symposium, 198: 140-157.
  105. Sclafani, M., C. T. Taggart, and K. Thompson. 1993. Condition, buoyancy and the distribution of larval fish: implications for vertical migration and retention. Journal of Plankton Research, 15: 413-435.
  106. Bishop, C. A., and C. T. Taggart. 1993. Stock assessments: cod in Divisions 2J+3KL. In: A. Sinclair (ed). Report on the assessments of groundfish stocks in the Canadian Northwest Atlantic May 4-14, 1993. Canadian Technical Report Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. No. 1946e, pp. 54-59.
  107. Frank, K. T., J. Loder, C. Carscadden, W. C. Leggett, C. T. Taggart. 1992. Larval flatfish distributions and drift on the Southern Grand Bank. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 49: 467-483.
  108. Ouellet, P., C. T. Taggart, and K. T. Frank. 1992. Lipid condition and survival in shrimp (Pandalus borealis) larvae. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 49: 368-378.
  109. Taggart, C., K. Frank, J. Carscadden, and W. C. Leggett. 1991. Size and biomass distribution of pelagic zooplankton on the SE Shoal of the Grand Bank. In: Paranjape, M.A. and R.W. Sheldon (Ed.). Proceedings of the workshop on the potential use of the biomass spectrum for estimating northern cod stocks. Canadian Technical Report Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. No. 1844, pp. 28-29.
  110. Loder, JW, RI Perry, KF Drinkwater, J Grant, GC Harding, WG Harrison, EPW Horne, NS Oakey, CT Taggart, MJ Tremblay, D Brickman, MM Sinclair. 1992. Physics and biology of the Georges Bank frontal system. Science Review of the Bedford Institute of Oceanography, the Halifax Fisheries Research Laboratory, and the St. Andrews Biological Station. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada. p 57-61.
  111. Taggart, C. T., and K. F. Frank. 1990. Perspectives on larval fish ecology and recruitment processes: probing the scales of relationships. In: K. Sherman and L. M. Alexander (Eds.), Patterns, processes, and yields of large marine ecosystems (pp. 151-164). AAAS Selected Symposium Series. with Review
  112. Ingram, G, M Poulin, J Roff, C Taggart, H Welch. 1990. Planktonic and ice production. IN: Percy, J.A. (ed.). Proceedings of a workshop: Marine Ecosystem Studies in Hudson Strait. November 9-10, 1989, Montréal, Québec. Canadian Technical Report Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 1770. p24-28.
  113. Taggart, C. T., K. Drinkwater, K. T. Frank, J. McRuer, and P. LaRouche. 1989. Larval fish, zooplankton community structure, and physical dynamics at a tidal front. Rapport Process-verbaux. Reunion du Conseil Internationale d’Exploration du Mer, 191: 184-194.
  114. Fraser, A. J., and C. T. Taggart. 1988. Thin-layer chromatography, flame ionization detection calibration with natural and synthetic standards. Journal of Chromatography, 439: 404-407.
  115. Taggart, C. T., and K. T. Frank. 1987. Coastal upwelling and Oikopleura occurrence (“slub”): a model and potential application to inshore fisheries. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 44: 1729-1736.
  116. Taggart, C. T., and W. C. Leggett. 1987. Short-term mortality in post-emergent larval capelin Mallotus villosus. I. Analysis of multiple in situ estimates. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 41: 205-217.
  117. Taggart, C. T., and W. C. Leggett. 1987. Short-term mortality in post-emergent larval capelin Mallotus villosus. II. Importance of food and predator density, and density-dependence. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 41: 219-229.
  118. Taggart, C. T., and W. C. Leggett. 1987. Wind-forced hydrodynamics and their interactions with larval fish and plankton abundance: a time-series analysis of physical-biological data. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 44(2): 438-451.
  119. Taggart, C. T. and B. Nakashima. 1987. The density of capelin (Mallotus villosus Muller) eggs on some spawning beaches in Newfoundland. Canadian Technical Report Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 1580.
  120. Taggart, C. T. 1986. Objections registered. Lake Line, 6(3): 27.
  121. Taggart, C. T. 1984. Hypolimnetic aeration and zooplankton depth distribution: reply with explanations and additional evidence. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 41(12): 1857-1859.
  122. Taggart, C. T. 1984. Hypolimnetic aeration and zooplankton distribution: a possible limitation to the restoration of cold-water fish production. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 41(1): 191-198.
  123. Taggart, C. T., and W. C. Leggett. 1984. Efficiency of large-volume plankton pumps, and evaluation of a design suitable for deployment from small boats. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 41(10): 1428-1435.
  124. Taggart, C. T., and D. J. McQueen. 1982. A model for the design of hypolimnetic aerators. Water Research, 16: 949-956.
  125. Taggart, C. T., and D. J. McQueen. 1981. Hypolimnetic aeration of a small eutrophic kettle lake: physical and chemical changes. Archives of Hydrobiology, 91: 150- 180.


  1. Taggart, C.T. and B.R. Ruddick. 2006. Apparatus, System and Method for Evaluating Fluid Systems. USA and Canada Patent Pending. Appl.No.11/458,287, Filed 07/18/2006. Conf. #8539, with benefit of 60/699,845 filed 07/18/2005. The invention relates to collecting information about fluid systems and to apparatus, systems and methods for evaluating fluid systems by means of one or more batches of magnetically-responsive particles and one or more magnetic particle-collectors. Taggart was originator of the idea and Ruddick helped advance it.

Internal research documents and reports:

  1. Davies, K. and C.T. Taggart. 2011. Finalising primary critical habitat information essential to preserve and protect the North Atlantic right whale and its habitat. Environment Canada Habitat Stewardship Programme. Project Report. 2010-HSP-5757. May 2011. 11p.
  2. Davies, K. and C.T. Taggart. 2011. North Atlantic right whale: Investigations for Critical Habitat and threat mitigation. Canadian Wildlife Federation, Endangered Species Fund Final Report. 18 January 2011. 13p.
  3. Taggart, C.T., A.S.M. Vanderlaan, K. Davies, S. Brillant. 2010. The Scotia-Fundy Right Whale ecosystem case-study: minimizing vessel and fishing-gear threat and integrating with defined habitat stewardship. Environment Canada Habitat Stewardship Programme. Project Report. 2009-HSP-5112. June 2010. 16p.
  4. Taggart, C.T. and A.S.M. Vanderlaan. 2009. Right whales, vessels & fishing gear: encounter, risk and stewardship compliance. Environment Canada Habitat Stewardship Programme. Project Report. 2008-HSP-4896. 18 May 2009. 14p.
  5. Davies K. and C. T. Taggart. 2009. Critical habitat for the north Atlantic right whale and historical variation in the essential prey-field. Environment Canada and World Wildlife Fund, Endangered Species Recovery Fund. Project Report. ESR1532. 28 Feb. 2009. 10p.
  6. Taggart, C.T., A.S.M. Vanderlaan and A. Serdynska. 2008. Right whales, vessel strikes and fishing gear entanglement: assigning probabilities for functional stewardship. Environment Canada Habitat Stewardship Programme. Project Report. 2007- HSP-4478. 01 Apr. 2008. 11p.
  7. Taylor D.J. and C.T. Taggart. 2007. Ballast water treatment technology project. Final Contract Report # T8080-050514/002/SS. Brooke Ocean Technology Limited, 50 Thornhill Dr. Unit 11, Dartmouth NS. 17 Dec. 2007. 35p. +Append.
  8. Taggart, C.T., A.S.M. Vanderlaan and A. Serdynska. 2007. Vessel traffic and right whale strike probabilities along the east coast of North America. Environment Canada Habitat Stewardship Programme. Project Report. 2006-HSP-4182. 30 Mar. 2007. 20p.
  9. Taggart, C.T., A.S.M. Vanderlaan and A. Serdynska. 2006. Vessel traffic and right whale strike probabilities along the east coast of North America. Environment Canada and World Wildlife Fund, Endangered Species Recovery Fund. Project Report. ESR1337. 15 Dec. 2006. 18p.
  10. Brown, M.W., C.T. Taggart, A.S.M Vanderlaan and A. Serdynska. 2006. Proposal for an area to be avoided on Roseway Basin, south of Nova Scotia. Briefing Note. Canadian Marine Advisory Council, National Conference, Standing Committee on Navigation and Operations, Ottawa, Canada, 08 Nov. 2006. 25p.
  11. Brown, M.W., C.T. Taggart, A.S.M Vanderlaan and A. Serdynska. 2006. A proposal to reduce risk of vessel and right whale collisions in the Roseway Basin region of the SW Scotian Shelf. A Working Paper. Prepared at the request of Transport Canada, Marine Safety for Fisheries and Oceans Canada National Marine Mammal Peer Review Committee, NCR, National Peer Review, 03 Nov. 2006. 33p.
  12. Brown, M.W. and C.T. Taggart. 2006 Proposal for an area to be avoided on Roseway Basin. Briefing Note and Presentation. Halifax Marine Advisory Council. 21 Sep. 2006, Halifax, NS.
  13. Brown, M.W. and C.T. Taggart. 2006. Proposal for an area to be avoided on Roseway Basin. Briefing Note and Presentation. Canadian Marine Advisory Council, Atlantic Regulatory Reform, Maritime Session, Regional Meeting, 04 Apr. 2006, Halifax, NS.
  14. Taggart, C.T., A.S.M. Vanderlaan and A. Serdynska. 2006. Vessel traffic and right whale strike probabilities along the east coast of North America. Environment Canada Habitat Stewardship Programme. Project Report. DFO-MAR-604. 31 Mar. 2006. 49p.
  15. Taggart, C.T., A.S.M. Vanderlaan and A. Serdynska. 2006. Vessel traffic and right whale strike probabilities along the east coast of North America. Environment Canada and World Wildlife Fund, Endangered Species Recovery Fund. Project Report. 16 Dec. 2005. 26p.
  16. Taggart, C.T. and A. Serdynska. 2004. Vessel-traffic conflict with right whales in the Roseway Basin right whale conservation area. Environment Canada Habitat Stewardship Programme. Project Report. Feb. 2004. 16p.
  17. Anonymous. 2003. International Maritime Organization. New and amended traffic separation schemes. REF. T2/2.07, COLREG.2/Circ.52.
  18. Taggart, C.T. and A. Vanderlaan. 2003. Regional time/space conflicts in vessel traffic and fishing effort with right whales in the Bay of Fundy. Environment Canada Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk. Project Report. 16p.
  19. Brown, M., R. Kenney, C. Taggart, A. Vanderlaan, J. Owen, J. Beaudin Ring and S. Kraus. 2001. Measures to reduce the potential for interactions between the endangered North Atlantic right whale and large vessels in the waters of Atlantic Canada. Briefing Note. National Canadian Marine Advisory Council, Standing Committee on Navigation and Operations. Ottawa, ON, 7-8 Nov. 2001.
  20. Brown, M., R. Kenney, C. Taggart, A. Vanderlaan, J. Owen, J. Beaudin Ring and S. Kraus. 2001. Measures to reduce the potential for interactions between the endangered North Atlantic right whale and large vessels in the waters of Atlantic Canada. Briefing Note. Regional Canadian Marine Advisory Council, Halifax, NS, 25 Sept. 2001.
  21. Vanderlaan, A. S. M., A. E. Hay, and C. T. Taggart. 2000. Characterisation of North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) underwater vocalisations recorded in the Bay of Fundy, July 1999 DREA CR 2000-117 July 2000. Defense Research and Development Canada. Contractor Report, Defense Research Establishment Atlantic.
  22. Cook, D., and C. T. Taggart. 1999. Genetic identification of inshore/offshore cod stock components in the Newfoundland Region. Final Report: Phase-1. Contract #F6077-8-0002. Marine Gene Probe Laboratory (MGPL) and Oceanography Department, Dalhousie University.
  23. McPherson, A., D. Cook, and C. T. Taggart. 1999. Genetic structure of Atlantic herring: Progress Report III to the Pelagics Research Council. Department of Oceanography and Marine Gene Probe Laboratory, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS.
  24. Ruzzante, D. E., C. T. Taggart, S. Lang, and D. Cook. 1999. Mixed-stock analysis of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the Cabot Strait approaches to the Gulf of St. Lawrence: a microsatellite DNA application. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canadian Stock Assessment Secretariat. Research Document 99/55.
  25. Taggart, C. T. 1999. Fisheries Oceanography Lab, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. News From the Regions; Newsletter of the American Fisheries Society – Early Life History Section. Stages, 19(3): 2-6.
  26. Cranford, P., K. Querbach, G. Maillet, K. Lee, J. Grant, and C. T. Taggart. 1998. Sensitivity of larvae to drilling wastes (Part A): effects of water-based drilling mud on early life stages of haddock, lobster and sea scallop. Report to the Georges Bank Review Panel, Halifax, NS.
  27. Cranford, P., K. Querbach, G. Maillet, K. Lee, J. Grant, and C. T. Taggart. 1998. Sensitivity of larvae to drilling wastes (Part B): effects of produced water on early life stages of haddock, lobster and sea scallop. Report of the Georges Bank Review Panel, Halifax, NS.
  28. McPherson, A., C. T. Taggart, and D. Cook. 1998. Genetic structure of Atlantic herring: Progress Report II to the Pelagics Research Council. Department of Oceanography and Marine Gene Probe Laboratory, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS.
  29. Taggart, C. T. 1997. Distribution of gill parasite (Lernaeocera branchialis) infection in NW Atlantic cod. In: J. R. Rice (ed.). Workshop on cod stock components, March 3-5, 1997, St. John’s Newfoundland. Canadian Stock Assessment Proceedings Series 97/06.
  30. Taggart, C. T., and D. E. Ruzzante. 1997. An integrated approach to stock identification: preliminary results of the high priority project on cod stock mixing in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. In: J. R. Rice (ed.). Workshop on cod stock components, March 3-5, 1997, St. John’s Newfoundland. Canadian Stock Assessment Proceedings Series 97/06.
  31. Taggart, C. T. and D. E. Ruzzante. 1997. Genetic structure of NW Atlantic cod using nuclear DNA microsatellites. In: J. R. Rice (ed.). Workshop on cod stock components, March 3-5, 1997, St. John’s Newfoundland. Canadian Stock Assessment Proceedings Series 97/06.
  32. Taggart, C. T., and D. E. Ruzzante. 1997. Random Island region and the inshore/offshore stock question. IIn: J. R. Rice (ed.). Workshop on cod stock components, March 3-5, 1997, St. John’s Newfoundland. Canadian Stock Assessment Proceedings Series 97/06.
  33. Bentzen, P., C. T. Taggart, D. Ruzzante, and D. Cook. 1996. Microsatellite polymorphism and the population structure of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the northwest Atlantic. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 96/44.
  34. Bentzen, P., C. T. Taggart, D. Ruzzante, and D. Cook. 1996. Microsatellite polymorphism and the population structure of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the northwest Atlantic. NAFO Scr. Doc. 96/21. Ser. No. 2694.
  35. Drinkwater, K., S. Lochmann, C. T. Taggart, K. Thompson, K. Frank, and J. McRuer. 1996. Entrainment of redfish (Sebastes sp.) larvae off the Scotian Shelf. ICES C.M. 1996/S: 5.
  36. Taggart, C. T. 1996. Bank-scale migration patterns in northern cod. NAFO SRC Doc. 96/42, Series No. 2717.
  37. Taggart, C. T. 1996. Genetic identification of mixed cod stocks in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and approaches: Phase 1: 1995/96. Contract Report, F5245-5-0161/01-Hal, Hal95-01362-(102) to Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Marine Fish Division, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, NS. 31 March, 1996.
  38. Taggart, C. T., and D. Cook. 1996. Microsatellite genetic analysis of Baltic cod: a preliminary report. Manuscript Report, Marine Gene Probe Laboratory, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS. October 1996.
  39. Taggart, C. T., D. E. Ruzzante, and D. Cook. 1996. Genetic analysis of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) from the Gooseberry Cove, Trinity Bay, rearing pen. Report to the Canadian Centre for Fisheries Innovation, Project AU-510. September 1996. Canadian Centre for Fisheries Innovation. St. John’s, NL.
  40. Taggart, C. T., D. E. Ruzzante, and D. Cook. 1996. Genetic analysis of cod collected in Placentia and Fortune Bays during Spring 1995. Report to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre, St. John’s, NL. September 1996. FC-52030439-6908-1001.
  41. Frank, K. T. and C. T. Taggart. 1995. Lipid content and the survival of larval cod. Ocean Production Enhancement Network, Final Scientific Report. Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS. pp.88-92.
  42. Ruzzante, D., C. T. Taggart, D. Cook, and S. V. Goddard. 1995. Genetic differentiation between inshore and offshore Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) off Newfoundland: microsatellite variation and antifreeze level. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 95/23.
  43. Taggart, C. T. 1995. Cod genetics and physiology; microsatellite and cDNA (Ocean Production Enhancement Network). The Interim Funding Research Programme Final Report. Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS. pp.23-39.
  44. Taggart, C. T., and R. W. Doyle. 1995. Genotype dependent survival in larval cod. Ocean Production Enhancement Network, Final Scientific Report. Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS. pp. 84-88).
  45. Taggart, C. T., and P. Penney. 1995. Long-distance migrants from the Newfoundland area in the 1950’s and 1960’s. In: The ICES/GLOBEC cod and climate backward-facing workshop report. ICES CM 1995/a: 7.
  46. Bishop, C. A., J. Anderson, E. Dalley, M. B. Davis, E. F. Murphy, G. A. Rose, D. E. Stansburry, C. T. Taggart, G. Winters, and D. Methven. 1994. An assessment of the cod stock in NAFO Divisions 2J+3KL. NAFO Scr. Doc. 94/40. Ser. N2410.
  47. Taggart, C. T. 1994. Cod-stock structure in the Newfoundland region: a collaborative exploration by OPEN and DFO’s Northern Cod Science Programme. Ocean Production Enhancement Network Newsletter. Channels. 3(4): 19-24.
  48. Bowen, A., D. Griffin, D. Hazen, S. Lochmann, T. Miller, B. Sanderson, and C. T. Taggart. 1993. Tracking cod larvae in the open ocean. Ocean Production Enhancement Network Newsletter. Channels. 3(1): 3-7.
  49. Suthers, I., J. Middleton, R. Royle, and C. Taggart. 1993. Is larval fish survival enhanced by island-wake effect? Research Cruise FR 08/92 and FR 02/93, pp.15-18 In: Annual Report of the National Facility Steering Committee Oceanographic Research Vessel. Australia.
  50. Bishop, C. A., C. T. Taggart, and E. F. Murphy. 1992. A review of data on lumpfish in the Newfoundland region. CAFSAC Working Paper No. 92/186.
  51. Perry, R. I, G. Harding, J. Loder, K. Drinkwater, J. Tremblay, C. T. Taggart, and M. Sinclair. 1990. The Georges Bank frontal system: mechanisms of plankton retention or dispersal. ICES C.M. 1990/L: 8.
  52. Taggart, C. T. 1988. Zooplankton and larval fish biomass and abundance distribution in a frontal region. In: Proceedings of the Second Georges Bank Research Workshop. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Bedford Institute of Oceanography. Paper 12.